Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The following disclaimer and terms of use apply generally to all postings to the ganudenu.net  site. It is hereby also understood that any person posting to ganudenu.net has been presented with this disclaimer and terms of use prior to doing so and, as such, be subject to its terms as indicated below. By visiting this website and/or using any of the products and/or services on this website, you agree to the following terms of use. If you do not agree with the following terms of use, please leave this website.

ganudenu.net is not involved in any transaction between buyers and sellers. Website acts as an information distributor only and website owner assumes no liability for the information or content posted on website. You expressly agree that use of ganudenu.net is at your own risk. ganudenu.net expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non infringement. It is provided to you “as is” and ganudenu.net makes no warranty that ganudenu.net will be timely, secure, error free, or meet your requirements; nor does ganudenu.net make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use ganudenu.net or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through ganudenu.net. No party shall be liable to any other party or any third-party for third-party claims or losses of any nature, including, but not limited to, lost profits, punitive or consequential damages. ganudenu.net reserves the right to remove any listings or any advertisements for any reason.

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